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A very short summary of recent laws that might affect you.


/S.B. 338 (amended onto H.B. 2118) - "Senator Frank MadIa Jr. Bill" (Pickett/Van de Putte)

This bill was named after the late Senator Frank MadIa, at the request of his widow, Helen MadIa. In November of 2006 a tragic fire took the lives of Senator MadIa, his mother-in-law, Mary Cruz and his beloved granddaughter, Aleena. The bill requires the installation of fire alarms in newly constructed homes or homes where there is a transfer of ownership after January I, 2008. The bill also creates a new class of license for a residential fire alarm technician, with training focused on the requirements to properly install and service residential fire alarm systems. My personal thanks to the MadIa family and our San Antonio Professional Firefighters who worked tirelessly to see this legislation signed by the Governor.

***Free Smoke Detectors for Seniors***

If you are age 60 or older and live within Bexar County, you can get a new smoke

detector installed for FREE in your home. To apply for installation, call United

Way's 2-1-1 or the City's Senior Services Division office at (210) 207-7172.

H.B. 1344 Refund Anticipation Loans (Villarreal/Van de Putte)

H.B. 1344 requires facilitators to possess an Internal Revenue Service e-file authorization and to register with the Office of the Consumer Credit Commissioner. This bill also requires refund anticipation loan facilitators to disclose certain information to customers, so that Texans can make responsible choices about high-cost fees associated with these loans.

H.B. 2524 - Haven for Hope Detox Center (McClendon/Van de Putte)

In Bexar County, a large number of people with mental illness or substance abuse problems are being "treated" through incarceration rather than through less-expensive options. H.B. 2524 authorizes the development of a pilot project in Bexar County, through which the Department of State Health Services will assist Bexar County in providing medical and mental health care through acute intervention and detoxification units. It enables the non-profit Haven for Hope Partnership to establish and operate a public safety triage and detoxification center. The center will provide a mechanism for more appropriate and cost-effective treatment for homeless individuals with mental health and substance abuse problems. This legislation will have a tremendous impact on the State of Texas by saving lives and taxpayer dollars. The idea for the Haven for Hope was sparked by former Councilwoman Patti Radle and the leadership of San Antonio business legend, Bill Greehey. It is a partnership of the City of San Antonio, Bexar County, University Health System and the Center for Health Care Services.

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