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Michael Trainer reports on status of 13th Check & PreFunded Health Care.

Warning! Warning! Use Caution!
The month of October is an important month for all Fire and Police Retirees. The Fire and Police Pension Board of Directors will be voting on the 13th and possibly the 14th checks at their regular Board Meeting on the 30th of October. The fiscal year ended the last day of September. Please remember as of today there is no guarantee this payment will be made until the Board votes. In other words don’t go to the bank just yet. Many people, including myself, have told some retirees that it is in the bag. Yes it does look extremely good for both the 13th and the 14th checks. Caution, it’s not in the bag until the BOARD VOTES. No other communication should count until the Board Votes!

The Prefund Health Care Fund is in the process of re-writing the Master Document. The Master Document is the document we count on to provide the rules for our health care. There are several different rumors already floating around that are not true. Again I’m saying Caution! It’s not true until you see it in writing. The status as of today is that the legislative changes to your Prefund Health Care deductibles and out of pocket expense will not change until January 2008 NOT on the 1st of October 2007.

The “Ad Hoc” Committee has completed its assignment. The Committee has made recommendations to the full Prefund Health Care Board. The recommendations have been accepted by vote of the Board. CAUTION again! Don’t listen to rumors. The recommendations have NOT been written into the “Master Document” as yet. NO DRAFT of this document has been produced as yet let alone voted on by the Prefund Health Care Board. This should happen within the next two months. Please remember what the word “DRAFT” means. I’m sure there will be more than one draft of this document before it is voted on by the Prefund Health Care Trustees.

I can tell you with certainty that when the “Master Document” has been approved by Board vote ALL members will receive a copy of the Document in the mail. I can also tell you that the Prefund Health Care staff will be holding several meetings to explain all the changes in the new “Master Document”.

Last words on both subjects don’t believe it until you can see it writing straight from the horse’s (The Boards that represent us) mouth or desk!

I have been told that some people have had a hard time getting in touch with me by phone since I have returned from vacation. Bettie and I are in the process of moving. Our answering machines are not working right at either home right now. We don’t check the machines as often as we should, sorry. E-mail is the best way to keep in touch with me for the month or so. After that period of time I expect we will be in one place not two or three.

New address info:

1249 Hillside Oaks Dr
La Vernia, TX 78121-4734


E-mail has stayed the same michael@trainerfamily.com or miketra@lavernia.net

God Bless each and every one of you and your families!

Michael Trainer

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