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Pre-Funded Health Insurance to Cost More!!!

SAPOA Board of Directors Meeting

09 - 11 - 07

These are minutes from the BOD Meeting
affecting Pre-Funded Health.

Pre-Funded Health - There was a recent trustee election with Bobby Martinez
and Sam Esparza running for the position. Martinez won. Only 25% of the active SAPO members voted in this election. We need the active members make sure their addresses are updated on the computer. We ( SAPOA ) get the members addresses from the City, so if your address is not updated on the computer, chances are you are not getting your ballots, etc.. So please make sure your address is correct in the City computer ( PAPN ) system.

Also, there will be an increase in our Pre - Funded Health premiums.

1. The City's contribution will be $219.13 per member per pay period.

2. With the first pay check after October 01, 2007, premiums for Active
members will be $46.63 per pay period ( $93.26 a month ).

3. ** Retiree's with less than 30 years will be paying $101.02 a month. There premiums are monthly because their retirement checks are monthly, and the premiums are taken out of there retirement check.

** Talked to David Ramos, SAPOA Vice - Pres, after making a few phone calls
he verified minutes, but explained that the Law would not take effect until October 01, 2007.

It will only affect Officers that retire after this date (10-01-07). Officers already Retired will not be affected by this increase.

Why are Retiree's after 10-01-07 paying more than Active members? - A study taken based on usage by Retiree's shows a greater amount paid out for services.

If you have any questions who can you call for more info. - Call James Bound,
Funded Health Director @ 210 - 220 - 1385.

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